Post Positions, Recruit on Campus
To recruit or post positions at Barnard College, the first step is to create a free employer account in Handshake. This will enable you to perform key recruiting tasks through a single portal. Once you have created your employer account in you will be able to:
- Create and manage your employer profile, gaining visibility with our students
- Post employment opportunities (full-time/part-time jobs and internships)
- Receive and view applications
- Request on-campus interview schedules
- Schedule information sessions
- Register to participate in career fairs
Questions? Please email
Posting Positions
Sign up for an account or log into an existing Handshake account.
- Complete the required information and add Barnard College under “Schools.”
- Click “Create New Employer” and verify your registration by clicking the link sent by Handshake to your email.
- You will be directed to a new landing page to post a job.
At this time with your account, you can post a job, request information sessions, schedule on-campus interviews, and register for the Opportunities Conference by following the instructions below. If you would like to connect with us, but do not yet have a job to post, please contact us!
- Click Post a Job on your home dashboard.
- Complete all required form information. Only fields with an *asterisks are required.
- On the last page, you will see a prompt to choose schools to post your job to; you can either post to the full network of schools in Handshake or you can post to specific schools. If you choose to post to specific schools, enter the schools you are targeting in the list and be sure to select Barnard College.
- Confirm final details and follow prompts to post job.
- On the left hand navigation, click "Jobs" under “Postings”.
- Select the specific job posting to edit.
- Under the Schools tab, under “Post to more schools” add additional schools to submit your posting to. You will also see the list of Requested schools where your job has been sent and the current status.
- Click the blue "Post" button to submit your job posting to your additional selected schools.
Posting Full-time, Part-time, Internship and Volunteer Opportunities
This is an opportunity for organizations to share full-time, part-time, internship and volunteer positions with our current students and alumnae. Handshake maintains an on-line site, accessible to our students and alumnae. Posting a position on Handshake will provide your organization with a listing that is accessible to students and alumnae 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the identified timeframe you selected.
We ask that employers provide a minimum of a two-week window for students to apply to opportunities posted though Handshake. If you have a quick turnaround time frame for an open employment opportunity at your organization, we will work with you to create a successful posting experience.
Third Parties Recruiters/Staffing Services
Third parties (employment agencies and search firms) may not list openings online and recruit on-campus nor attend career fairs.
Beyond Barnard reserves the right to make a determination of the appropriateness of the positions being offered for the populations it serves.
Commission-Based Sales Positions:
Employers offering positions that provide compensation that is 100% commission based can offer these positions under the following conditions:
- The position is for full time employment AND
- The compensation is clearly disclosed in the position description AND
- Charge no fees to the candidates
Please contact the Employer Relations team at (212) 854-2033 or
On-Campus Recruiting
Beyond Barnard's On-Campus Recruitment (OCR) program allows organizations to recruit and interview Barnard College students. The OCR program is a key service and resource in gaining a strong presence on campus.
All on-campus interviewing require advance scheduling and preparation. Employers can request on-campus interview (OCR) directly through Handshake. To request an on-campus interview (OCR), simply log-in to Handshake with your employer account and click on “Create New Schedule Request”. On-campus interviews can take place on campus Monday through Friday, 9 am- 5 pm during the academic year. All interviews must conclude by 5:00 pm. If we are unable to accommodate the date and time requested, we will contact you directly and provide direction and guidance on alternative dates and times available to interview on-campus.
Confirmation of your interview schedule requests and additional details will be directly provided by a member of the recruiting team. For general questions about on-campus interviews, please contact Beyond Barnard at 212-854-2033 or
All interviewers must check in at Beyond Barnard the day of their interviews. A staff member will show them to their assigned interview room. All interviewers should contact Beyond Barnard if they are lost or running late.
We are located at 49 Claremont Avenue off of 116th street and Broadway and can be accessed as follows:
NYC Public Transportation (NYC Subway & Bus): Five bus lines (M4, M11, M60, M104) and one subway line (1) serve the Barnard area. If you find yourself on the Broadway #2 express subway, be certain to change for the #1 at 96th Street. The Barnard stop is 116th Street. At 116th Street, you will walk 49 Clarement Avenue.
Car: Take 95/96th Street exit off the Henry Hudson Parkway (West Side Highway). Use the 95th Street off ramp and turn left onto Riverside Drive. Proceed north to 116th Street. Turn right at 116th Street and Follow Broadway. The campus gate will be to ypur left.
Parking Garages: Click here for a link listing local garages.
Employer participation in on-campus interviews at Barnard College indicates your agreement to abide by these policies and procedures, as well as the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals.
Recruiting Policies and Procedures for Employers
Beyond Barnard has developed a set of policies and guidelines to which all recruiting partners must agree. Your agreement is understood given your participation in any and all (on and/or off campus) recruiting activities and programs at Barnard College. The shared commitment to these policies and guidelines, by both recruiting partners and the college, provides the foundation for a fair and ethical recruiting process. While it is not possible to outline all of the behaviors and actions that are in conflict with a fair recruiting process, Beyond Barnard asks that you review your company's recruiting actions and ensure that they reflect both the spirit and intent of fairness.
Beyond Barnard makes its programs and activities available to organizations and individuals whose behavior and practices are in accordance with Federal, State and local laws, the College’s established policies, and Principles of Professional Conduct outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Below you will find and overview of the policies and procedures that govern the recruitment program at Barnard College. Please become familiar with them and use them as a reference throughout the year.
Second Round Interview Policies
Employers are required to provide students with 72 business hours’ notice of a second round interview date, and must accommodate student requests for alternate second-round interview dates if students present a legitimate scheduling conflict (i.e. class, work assignment or previously scheduled interview).
Offer and Acceptance Policies: On-Campus Interviews
Students will have two weeks from the date a written offer letter is received or until the deadlines below, whichever is later.
- Full-Time and Internship offers as a result of Fall 2023 on-campus recruiting have until October 20, 2023 to make a decision.
Full-time return offers as a result of a Spring 2023 or Summer 2023 internships have until October 20, 2023 to make a decision.
- Full-Time and Internship offers as a result of Spring 2024 on-campus recruiting have until February 16, 2024 to make a decision.
- Full-Time return offers as a result of Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 internships have until October 16, 2024 to make a decision.
Offer and Acceptance Policies: Job/Internship Postings in Handshake not attached to an OCR Schedule
Students have two weeks from the date a written offer letter is received to make a decision.
Exploding Offers
Prohibited. Sign-on bonuses should be honored whenever the student accepts the offer.
Alcohol is Prohibited in the Recruitment Process
Barnard has adopted a no alcohol policy at any and all recruiting events whether on or off campus pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. “Barnard College is committed to creating for its students, faculty, staff [and guests] an environment in which the misuse of alcohol and drugs is minimized, which encourages moderation, safety and individual accountability, and which provides an atmosphere free of coercion and peer pressure to abuse alcohol or use unlawful drugs.” Learn more about Barnard College’s Drug and Alcohol policy.
In addition, as a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), Barnard also abides by the Principles of Professional Conduct. The principles document explains why serving alcohol to job candidates is inappropriate and inadvisable. The principle states, “Serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process on or off campus. This includes receptions, dinners, company tours, etc.” Failure to abide by this principle will place the employer in violation of the stated policy. Employers not following the policy can be barred from recruiting at Barnard College. We invite you to read the Principles of Professional Conduct in its entirety.
Third parties (employment agencies and search firms) may not list openings online and recruit on-campus nor attend career fairs.
Beyond Barnard reserves the right to make a determination of the appropriateness of the positions being offered for the populations it serves.
Commission-Based Sales Positions
Employers offering positions that provide compensation that is 100% commission based can offer these positions under the following conditions:
- The position is for full time employment AND
- The compensation is clearly disclosed in the position description AND
- Charge no fees to the candidates
Rescinding or Deferring Employment
Employers challenged with the decision to rescind or defer employment are asked to carefully review the guidelines and follow the NACE recommendations in the Position Statement on Rescinded and Deferred Employment Offers in January 2010.
The NACE guidelines urge employers to adopt a two-part approach to employment offers under consideration for revocation. The first emphasizes the need for a commitment to high standards in recruiting. The second offers a reasoned approach to dealing with rescinded and deferred offers.
NACE recommends that employers who must revoke a commitment to do everything possible to avoid rescinding offers, to consider alternatives that do not require rescinding employment offers. These may include changes in job responsibilities, salary reduction and/or reduced workweeks, changes in job locale, delayed starting dates, and other reasonable options.
For candidates whose start dates are deferred:
- Provide services to aid the candidates in securing other employment.
- Provide financial assistance if the deferral will be longer than three months.
- Communicate to candidates as soon as possible.
- Contact BCD.
Stay in communication with candidates and the Career Center regarding start dates. Beyond Barnard staff expects all employers to treat candidates in an ethical manner. We reserve the right to deny access to on-campus recruiting to any employers who we determine have not conducted their recruiting efforts ethically.
NACE Principles for Professional Practice
All employment professionals participating in our recruiting program are required to work within a framework of professionally accepted recruiting, interviewing and selection techniques as stipulated in the NACE Principles for Professional Practice.
Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
In accordance with its own values and with Federal, State, and City statutes and regulations (, Barnard does not discriminate in admissions, employment, programs, or services on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
Barnard College is guided by the precept that in no aspect of employment practices or educational programs should there be disparate treatment of persons because of improper considerations of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability. This principle is to be observed in employment of students; in the education of students; and in policies governing any and all recruitment activities and programs.
While Barnard College has long had an express policy against improper discrimination, it is to be understood the policy also explicitly encompasses the goal that faculty, staff and students are to be able to work and study free from harassment by peers, co-workers, students, supervisors or teachers, or guest of the college. Barnard College does not tolerate actions and words that a reasonable person would regard as harassing or coercive. Appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against those found to have committed harassment.
We ask that all students, alumni, vendors and employers engaged in activities and/or programs through Beyond Barnard read and understand Barnard College’s non-discrimination and harassment policy.
Unpaid Internship
Does Your Position Qualify as an Internship?
Whether you are developing an internship program or offering a one-time internship opportunity, you should be aware that The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division developed a six-factor test for determining whether workers are to be considered “interns” or “employees” under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The guidelines below will help you determine if the position should be considered an unpaid/credit internship or paid part time job. By following these guidelines you will be sure to be in compliance with the criteria set forth by the FLSA.
- The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to that which would be given in an educational environment.
- The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern.
- The interns do not displace regular employees, but work under close observation.
- The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the interns and on occasion the employer’s operations may actually be impeded.
- The interns are not necessarily entitled to a job at the completion of the internship period.
- The employer and the interns understand that the interns are not entitled to wages for the time spent in internship.
Fall 2023
Sept. 5 - First Day of Classes
Sept. 15 - Rosh Hashanah. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Sept. 18 - On-Campus Interviews and Information Sessions begin
Sept. 25 - Yom Kippur. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Sept. 29 - Opportunities Conference. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Oct. 9 - Columbus Day. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Oct. 16 - Oct. 20 - Midterms Week. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Nov. 6 - Nov. 7 - Academic/University Holiday. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Nov. 22 - Academic Holiday. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Nov. 23 - Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving Break. No On-Campus interviews or Information Sessions Held
Dec. 4 - Last Day of On-Campus Interviews and Information Sessions
Dec. 11 - Last Day of Classes